Before pictures...
This is the pretty country grey blue color that was picked out. Hey, I might actually use this color on my next piece of furniture.
This is me realizing I have about 20 hours into this project and not even half way done
Ahhhhh, the glazing process. It looks a little scary at first
But the results are amazing. Look how it brings out the wood grain
And you guessed it. This is me on day 5
On to testing out how the doors are going to look. After sanding, priming, sanding again, Painting, distressing, glazing, and spraying a polyurethane on ,it this is what they will turn out to look like.
One cabinet down, 23 more to go.
My front drive way, All cabinets primed and sanded ready to paint
Started to get cloudy on me. I was so scared it was going to rain on my paint job. The weatherman said the storm wasn't going to be here till tomorrow. He was wrong. We need a new weatherman!
Ahhhh now for the fun part. Putting the hardware back on and hanging the cabinets.
Look what a difference new hardware makes...
After over 50 hours of labor, numerous trips to home depot and Starbucks, and who knows how much paint, primer, and sand paper.... The kitchen is complete!
So you remember Dayna's kitchen before.....
And here's the after.....
After this job, I think I'll take a break from kitchen cabinets for awhile and go back to refinishing furniture. Im so happy with the outcome but boy, it was a lot of hard work. I definitely have a new appreciation for painters who do kitchen cabinets.